Hello new World!

by: Marcin LadowskiWed, Mar 4, 2015
Adapt or die. That is the hard truth of the Internet for businesses today. The Internet continues to fundamentally change the way companies operate. From small local businesses to large global enterprises, the Internet is the primary opportunity for growth. It goes far beyond buying and selling over the Internet, or simple e-commerce. It is a much deeper trend rooted in our ever-changing social culture. The Internet is no longer a one-way highway where businesses push static information onto current and potential clients. Social Media and the explosive use of Mobile devices have shifted power to consumers. Consumer generated content is now the central point of communication. Online businesses can no longer stand still. They must act, and react. They must expand their social connections and they must engage. There is no limit to how fast small businesses can grow if they respond well to these changes. And there is no enterprise too big to fail if they do not engage with their customers and respond to their demands. The power is with the consumer, and businesses must retool around this new reality.

The phrase “content is king” coined mostly in connection to Search Engine Optimization has a new meaning. Companies that can create engaging and appealing content can become overnight sensations through free viral marketing. It takes great writing and social skills to produce winning content. It also takes an outgoing and extroverted person to do well at connecting with audiences. Those traits are the total opposite of what we traditionally think of when picturing geeky “webmasters” that used to be in charge of managing website content.

New industries and new careers are being created. A new breed of non-technical experts is replacing old “webmasters,” and yet the tools for content management are still the same.  Most of these tools are still very difficult to use. If you’re not a programmer or a “techie” you’re out of luck.

Social Media is fueled by Mobility. We are entering a Post PC era where there are more mobile phones than tooth brushes on the planet. By 2015 there will be more users browsing the Internet on their phones than on PCs. Studies show users expect a completely different experience from mobile web sites. On a global scale a very small portion of existing sites conform to the requirements of well-designed mobile sites.

Through Social Media and Mobility users are connected 24/7 to the Internet and their social networks. This new constellation provides new opportunities and new challenges served at speeds and at a scale we have never experienced before. New efficient tools and methodologies need to be introduced to satisfy all of this new demand and high expectations.

At NetroStar we developed a proprietary Web Platform that allows content managers, marketers, programmers, designers and business owners to plan, design, create and promote fully functional websites, web applications and mobile websites. Whether it is a basic business site, enterprise
e-commerce or “Facebook” like social media site, all of these can be built and easily managed using the Netro platform. Contact us to learn more about our technology and know-how.
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